Esquire Bank: How Law Firms Can Beat The Corporate Goliaths

Plaintiff law firms who fight for justice on behalf of their clients are typically matched up against some of the biggest and well-funded defendants in America: insurance companies, self-insured corporations and public entities.

These corporate goliaths have access to staggering amounts of resources and capital to devote toward any case. This can result in a distinctly uneven playing field for plaintiff law firms. Meanwhile, plaintiff law firms are obligated to cover the various expenses associated with multiple concurrent cases, which quickly add up. Fortunately, case cost financing can help level the playing field and ensure that plaintiffs’ lawyers have the financial wherewithal to obtain full and just compensation for their clients.

This specific type of financing allows you to choose the cases and case costs you would like to finance, giving you the flexibility to choose whether you want to pay for case costs out of your firm’s cash flow or to utilize a case cost line of credit to pay for the case cost – it’s a line of credit that is specifically geared towards your case costs.

Contact us today for more information!

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