Working Capital Solutions
From funding your day-to-day operations to covering your case costs, working capital solutions from Esquire Bank can help your firm cover expenses, smooth cash flow and unlock growth opportunities.
Peace of Mind to Grow Your Firm
Whether mitigating outstanding invoices or awaiting the outcome of a lengthy trial, cash flow challenges and unpredictability can stunt your growth or, worse, risk your ability to meet your own financial obligations. Esquire Bank supports firms nationwide with access to the working capital they need to ensure stability and continuity, while enabling growth.
Working Capital Tailored for Law Firms
Esquire Bank is a highly tailored bank specializing in servicing the unique financial needs of the legal industry. We understand your law firm’s unique business model. And, we know that your case inventory is your law firm’s most valuable asset and should be used as collateral for financing purposes. This sets us apart from other financial institutions – and it sets law firms up to be boldly successful.

Case Cost
Line of Credit
With a master line of credit specifically for case costs, this popular form of financing can give your law firm greater business agility, growth and client impact.

Working Capital
Line of Credit
This flexible revolving line of credit from Esquire Bank provides access to funds when you need them and can support gaps in your firm’s short-term cash flow needs.
Deliver Great Client and Case Value
Expert witnesses. Forensics. Medical reports. Case costs quickly add up. When your law firm has the liquidity and capital to spend on case disbursements, it can deliver greater client and case value – and ultimately more revenue.

The Added Value of Case Cost Financing for Both You and Your Client
Learn how case cost financing enabled Siegel & Coonerty to invest heavily in case resources that helped the firm attain a $10.8 million settlement for its client.
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Reinvest in Operations
The path to growth requires law firms to reinvest in the firm’s business operations, including budgeting, staffing, and more. Financing from Esquire Bank can help your firm further establish IT, marketing, and finance departments, strengthening your business while increasing your ability to attract news cases and clients.

The 3 Greatest Advantages to Using Credit to Fund Growth
In the face of market volatility and rising inflation, law firm business owners should consider using credit to realize operational savings and fund law firm growth.
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Modernize Technology, Optimize for Growth
Investing in technology is critical to competing in today’s fast-paced legal landscape. Without the right legal technology in place, it can be impossible to keep up. Turn to Esquire to help you fund and put the right systems in place to make your firm run smoothly, from case management and case intake to financial reporting, document management and more.

4 Keys to Leveraging Technology for Law Firm Growth
To succeed in today’s competitive legal space, contingency fee law firms need to embrace using available capital to leverage technology for law firm growth.
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5 Best Practices From Law Firms That Are Growing and Succeeding Boldly
Discover law firms across the U.S. who partnered with Esquire Bank and are writing the book on achieving exponential growth with innovative strategies. See how:
- Silberstein, Award & Miklos doubled in size, client base, and revenue
- Grewal Law increased revenue 162% over two years
- Atlas Consumer Law expanded its geographic reach from 5 to 17 states

Discover the Advantages of Financing with Esquire

Atlas Consumer Law
For Atlas Consumer Law, having access to case cost line of credit facilities helped fuel the law firm’s exponential growth, doubling the practice, expanding the firm’s geographic reach from 5 to 17 states, and enabling a robust digital transformation for intake and client services.
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Esquire Bank Donates Additional $75,000 to Support Long Island Charities
Year-End Giving Brings Total 2020 Contributions to $200,000 JERICHO, N.Y. – December 2020 – Esquire Bank, N.A. (“Esquire”), a New
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